The September Project Blog

Come here to learn about the goings-on of The September Project, a grassroots effort to foster public events in all communities on September 11.

Friday, August 19, 2005

a month-long reflection

While some people assume only large library systems have the resources to create programs that make a lasting impact on their communities, I've always looked to the smaller libraries to stand out in the crowd. Not to say that large systems aren't doing amazing things--I think small libraries have always appealed to me. It's probably a combination of my Midwestern roots, love for wide open spaces, and my time working with libraries. Regardless, there's no doubt this library in rural Oregon is doing pretty inspired stuff. Here is what the library director wrote:

Harney County Library is the lone library in Harney County, Oregon--a county that is over 10,000 square miles with only a 7500 population. However, we feel strongly about what's going on in the world and feel that the whole month of September should be designated for our contribution to the September Project. Our participation will be by way of an interactive display called "Mending Fences," a fence structure with poems and images tied to it. Viewers will be invited to add their own words or images that reveal their feelings about the current state of the world, their country and home. Since we are all citizens of the world we should all have the right to speak up on her behalf. Thank you for this opportunity for personal reflection and response on a topic that is difficult to quantify.


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